Thursday, November 26, 2009

Brief about myself

I used to be very active serving in a brethren church in my youth and joined Campus Crusade for Christ, Christian Fellowship and Navigators on campus. Later on I began to explore my 'gayness' and found no scriptural condemnation for loving a fellow man except perhaps anal sex which I was apprehensive to get into. During this time, I also found a lot of scholars disagreeing with each other on a lot of topics. I surmised that a lot of preachers are not being entirely honest about their own uncertainty when they preach and would often preach half-truths even though they can be innocently incorrect. Nevertheless, I empathize with the difficulty of their work and the need for them to seem assured of what they know or say.

This is the start of my blogging life because I realized that I need to take notes of some of my thoughts from time to time lest I forget them altogether. I may tell some people about my blog but I won't advertise it.

Many of my thoughts may evoke negative emotion/thought/word from some of my readers but I would prefer not to interact with most comments sent to me even the positive or encouraging ones. My apologies.

These thoughts come to me from a recollection of the knowledge I gained over the years since I was young. I read the Bible twice over during my youth. I read some Christian books and listened to a lot of pastors of course over my lifetime but many of thoughts just came together on their own. So here's my disclaimer that I did not steal someone else's works or thoughts and I would acknowledge it if I wish to refer to them. However, I can make a reference to the person in a later posting when I get to know about it.

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